Cute Hello Kitty 2

valentine's archive !


to! i'm the eponymous valentine, the webkeeper of this virtual world.

this site began as a simple dump for my graphics and it eventually spiraled into an entire archive for me.

i began coding in early 2023 for my spacehey profile, but it was more of a necessity thing back then and i didn't really enjoy coding. i stopped my dive into the indie web for a couple years, and i didn't code again until early 2025 when i logged back into spacehey, coded a new profile, decided to make a website for my graphics, and here we are now.

i think the reason why i enjoy coding so much now is cause i find it to be very creatively fufilling to create a website, compared to the limits of spacehey (which i do also love). BTW !! this website is not optimised for anything ever.

site to do


finish all the boxes

add blinkies, stamps, etc

change header+bg image

add title to header image

optimise site for most browser sizes

update log

sun/2.3.2025 finished all the boxes for the graphics page + added all my graphics. might try to deco the box cause its looking super boring right now.

tue/25.2.2025 continuing the 4.0 homepage :P added new images for a couple boxes and finished the currently, hobbies, about me, and stats boxes. YAYYYY !!!!

mon/24.2.2025 working on the homepage of version 4.0! trying to make my website more optimised for diff browser sizes (NOT diff devices just yet). currently i have the navigation, welcome, to do, chat, and update log boxes done. >.<


listening to.. le tigre - self titled

reading.. of mice and men

playing.. oath of office: political sim (roblox :P)

working on.. a dress for my textiles class

feeling.. sick of school

my hobbies

- listening to music

- anything art related:

- making clothes

- drawing (digital+trad)

- scrapbooking

- playing bass

- collecting cds

about me

name: valentine

age: fifteen

pronouns: he/vamp

fav animals: cats, crows, ladybugs

website stats

updates: 3 450

visits: 3 276

created: 30.1.2025